How it Works:
Step 1: Schedule a free Zoom call with us and tell us what you want to achieve on Skool.
Step 2: We'll work with you 1 on 1 on the Zoom for 30-60 minutes to help you set up or optimize your Skool community - completely for free.
Step 3: After the call, we'll invite you to our Skool community where we will provide you with ongoing support and feedback (for free) to help you continually grow and earn more MRR on Skool.
Want us to help you earn more MRR on Skool? Drop your name & email below to begin.
Your email address
Your first name
Some of the Skool Users We've Worked With
Dr. Roxie
- CEO / Health Innovators
Kam W.
- CEO / Christpiracy
Daniel B.
- The Mastermind
Dr. Doug
- FoodNSport
Tori V.
- The Detox Circle
Tim S.
- School of Biomechanics
Jeremaih J.
- Chains of Wellness
Josh G.
- Plant Ninja Academy
Hayley P.
- Understand Thyself
Robbie P.
- Make Money Online
Jov M.
- Android Devs
David S.
- 360 Volleyball Athlete
About Us:
We're a Skool based company that works (for free) with content creators, coaches, agencies, etc. to help them grow their Skool communties and increase their monthly recurring revenue (MRR).
We're able to work with our clients for free because our founder (Ted Carr) is a Skool investor + an affiliate - so for every client we work with, our company earns a small comission on the Skool fees.
If you'd like us to set up your Skool community with you 1 on 1 via Zoom (for free), click here to schedule a call with us.
Here's What You Can Expect:
300+ Skool users have trusted us to build their community for them. Will you be next?
Our Services
All of our services are included in the Zoom call with you and are completely free.
1) Skool Set Up
For beginners who want to start a new Skool community from scratch to begin earning MRR.
2) Skool Optimization
For existing Skool community owners who want to earn more MRR while reducing churn.
3) Skool Branding
For helping you stand out with a clean and aesthetic look. Includes copywriting, graphics, and colours.
“I appreciate you, Ted. ❤️.”
- Sam Ovens, Founder & CEO of Skool
“Ted Carr is on to BIG things."
- Doug Boughton
Wanna chat with Ted first? Click here to DM Ted on Skool.